53 Jokes For Big Deal

Updated on: Aug 12 2024

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Once upon a family reunion, Grandpa Joe decided to make a big deal out of his famous barbecue ribs. He proudly announced, "Today's the day you all get to taste my secret sauce—literally, my big deal secret sauce!" The family gathered around the grill, excited for the grand unveiling.
As Grandpa Joe lifted the lid, he revealed a massive bottle labeled "Grandpa Joe's Grand Plan BBQ Sauce." The family erupted in laughter, thinking it was just another one of Grandpa's quirky pranks. Grandpa Joe, with a twinkle in his eye, explained, "You see, the big deal is not the sauce itself; it's the label. I've trademarked the phrase 'Grandpa Joe's Grand Plan,' and I'm banking on becoming a millionaire with my witty branding!"
In the small town of Quirkville, they decided to host a "Big Deal Fashion Show" to showcase the locals' unique style. Mayor Thompson, known for his offbeat sense of humor, volunteered to organize the event. The highlight of the show was the catwalk, where the participants paraded their outlandish outfits.
As the first contestant, Mrs. Jenkins, strutted down the catwalk wearing a dress made entirely of recycled bubble wrap, the audience burst into laughter. Mayor Thompson, seizing the moment, declared, "Ladies and gentlemen, that's not just a dress—it's a 'pop'-ular choice! Our fashion show isn't just about style; it's a big deal for burstingly good humor!"
At the bustling office of Acme Innovations, the employees discovered an enormous coffee spill near the photocopier. As they stood there bewildered, the CEO, Mr. Henderson, rushed in, exclaiming, "This is a big deal! Who's responsible for this coffee catastrophe?"
Cue Gary, the intern, who nervously pointed to the overflowing coffee pot. Mr. Henderson, deadpan, replied, "Gary, I appreciate your honesty. This is a big deal, indeed. However, I was referring to the fact that the coffee machine is now a modern art installation titled 'Espresso Eruption.' We're going to submit it to the upcoming office art exhibition. It's the talk of the town, darling!"
In the small town of Noodleton, rumors spread about an alien sighting. The local news declared it a big deal, sending the entire town into a frenzy. Bob, the town's resident conspiracy theorist, claimed to have had a close encounter and insisted that the aliens communicated through spaghetti.
Soon, a UFO-themed restaurant named "Spaghetti Intergalactica" opened, offering extraterrestrial pasta dishes. The town's folks gathered for the grand opening, eager to taste the "big deal" spaghetti. To their surprise, the spaghetti strands spelled out "Greetings, Noodletonians!" on each plate. Bob grinned, saying, "I told you it was a big deal, but who knew they were such pasta enthusiasts?"
You ever notice how when you're excited about something and you tell someone, they hit you with the "big deal" response? Like, I was thrilled because I finally conquered my fear of public speaking, and my friend goes, "Oh, big deal, I do that every day at work." Well, congratulations on having a job that requires talking. I just conquered the mental gymnastics of not fainting in front of an audience. Big deal, indeed!
And why is it that whenever you're genuinely happy about something, there's always that one person who wants to rain on your parade? "You got a new car? Big deal, it's just a bunch of metal and wheels." Yeah, well, your negativity is just a bunch of bad vibes and bad breath, but you don't hear me complaining!
I think we need a "Big Deal Support Group" where you can share your victories, and everyone cheers you on. "Finally learned how to fold a fitted sheet? Big deal! You're a domestic superhero!" We all need a little validation in our lives.
So, the next time someone tries to downplay your excitement with a "big deal," just respond with, "Damn right, it is a big deal! Now, who's going to celebrate with me?!" Let's turn every accomplishment, big or small, into a party because life's too short to let anyone steal your big deal thunder!
You ever notice how people use "big deal" to make you feel like you're overreacting? Like, I was telling my friend about this incredible sale I found, and she goes, "Oh, big deal, it's just clothes." Excuse me? It's not just clothes; it's a fashion revolution happening at a discounted price!
And what's with the eye roll that comes with it? You share something exciting, and suddenly you're the drama queen of the century. "Oh, you adopted a puppy? Big deal!" Really? It's not just a dog; it's a furry therapist with unconditional love and questionable bathroom habits. That's a big deal!
I think we should have an "Eye Roll Amnesty Day." You get one day a year where you can roll your eyes at anything and everything without judgment. Want to roll your eyes at someone's selfie with a salad? Go ahead. Feel the urge to roll your eyes when someone says they can't live without coffee? It's your day, my friend!
So, next time someone says, "Big deal," just remember, your excitement is not misplaced. It's a big deal, and you're just living your best eye-roll-free life!
You know, I was talking to my neighbor the other day, and I told him I finally finished writing that novel I've been working on for years. You know what he said? "Big deal, everybody's got a novel in them." Oh, really? Because last time I checked, most people can't even finish a jigsaw puzzle without losing a few pieces and their sanity.
But seriously, why do we downplay each other's accomplishments? "Oh, you climbed Mount Everest? Big deal! I climbed Mount Laundry today, and it was just as treacherous." I want to see the "Big Deal Olympics," where people compete in everyday challenges like finding matching Tupperware lids and assembling IKEA furniture without a single curse word.
Maybe we should all start responding with, "Yeah, it is a big deal!" Imagine a world where we hype each other up for the little victories. "You parallel parked perfectly? Big deal! That's like threading a needle with a moving target!"
Let's embrace the big deals, no matter how small, and create a world where achievement is celebrated, even if it's just figuring out how to fold a fitted sheet.
You know, people always use the phrase "big deal" to downplay things. Like, "Oh, you got a promotion? Big deal!" Yeah, it is a big deal! I mean, who decided that we should minimize each other's achievements? It's like we're all walking around with a personal achievement deflator.
I told my friend I finally learned how to make a perfect omelet, and he goes, "Oh, big deal." Really? Do you know how many eggs sacrificed their yolks for my culinary enlightenment? It's a big deal in the chicken community! But apparently, in the grand scheme of things, my omelet mastery is on par with finding spare change in the couch.
I think we need a "Big Deal Committee" to validate our accomplishments. You submit your achievement, and they assess whether it's worthy of celebration. "Changed a flat tire? Approved! Found matching socks? Denied. We all know that's practically impossible."
So, let's start celebrating the small victories because, hey, life is a series of big deals and tiny triumphs. And if someone tells you it's not a big deal, just say, "Well, you must not have had to endure the struggle of mismatched socks!
What do you call a fish wearing a crown? A big dill!
I'm reading a book on anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down.
Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
I'm writing a book about hurricanes. It's a whirlwind of excitement.
What's a vampire's favorite fruit? A blood orange.
I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already.
I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands.
Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.
Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!
I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. I don't know y.
What's a vampire's favorite fruit? A blood orange.
Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts.
I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands.
Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts.
I'm reading a book on anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down.
I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. I don't know y.
Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!
I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already.
I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.

Overenthusiastic Plant

When a houseplant becomes a big deal
My plant is so attention-seeking; it's started photobombing my selfies. I tried to take a nice picture, and suddenly there's a fern in the background giving me the, "Why am I not the focus of this shot?" look. Now I have a social media influencer plant.

Smart Refrigerator

When your refrigerator becomes a big deal
The other day, my smart fridge ordered groceries online without asking me. It's a big deal; I'm convinced it's planning to take over the kitchen. I half expect it to start sending me passive-aggressive notes about my cooking skills.

Neighbor's Cat

When the neighbor's cat thinks it's a big deal
My neighbor's cat is on a diet, and it's making a big deal out of it. It walks past my house, making eye contact with my potato chips, like, "You wish you were as disciplined as me." Now I have a cat body-shaming me. Real cute, Mr. Whiskers.

Supercharged Toothbrush

When a toothbrush becomes a big deal
I accidentally dropped my toothbrush, and it gave me the silent treatment for a day. It's a big deal now; I have a moody toothbrush. I never thought I'd have to apologize to dental hygiene equipment, but here we are.

Overachieving Toaster

When a toaster becomes a big deal
I asked my toaster to make me a sandwich, and it responded, "Do I look like a sandwich artist?" Now, not only do I have a big deal toaster, but it's also got a sass setting.
I proudly announced that I was going to start a podcast, and everyone around me said, 'Oh, big deal.' Yeah, big deal until they found out it's a podcast where I review different flavors of potato chips. Coming soon to an empty snack aisle near you!
I announced to my family that I've taken up gardening, and they responded with, 'Oh, big deal.' Yeah, big deal until they saw my garden full of plants that even a cactus would call high-maintenance. Apparently, not all plants thrive on a diet of good intentions and occasional watering.
Told my coworkers I started a book club, and they responded with, 'Oh, big deal.' Yeah, big deal until they found out the only book we've read is the menu at the local pizza place. Spoiler alert: pepperoni wins every time.
I excitedly told my family I'm taking up painting, and they responded with, 'Oh, big deal.' Yeah, big deal until they saw my masterpiece—the abstract representation of my attempt at adulting. It's titled 'Existential Crisis in Pastel.'
I was bragging about my pet hamster to my neighbor, and he was like, 'Oh, big deal.' Yeah, big deal until my hamster learned how to breakdance. Now he's got moves that put 'Hamster's Got Talent' to shame. Who's laughing now, neighbor? Probably the hamster.
I shared my enthusiasm for trying new diets, and my friends were like, 'Oh, big deal.' Yeah, big deal until they discovered my idea of a diet is switching from regular soda to diet soda while eating an entire pizza. I call it the 'Balanced Diet of Illusions.'
You know, I tried cooking for the first time, and I proudly announced it to my family. Their response? 'Oh, big deal.' Yeah, it was a big deal when the smoke alarm declared my spaghetti a five-alarm fire. Turns out, the only thing I can cook is instant noodles. And sometimes, not even that.
So, I recently told my friends I'm learning how to juggle, and they were like, 'Oh, big deal.' Yeah, big deal until I accidentally launched an apple across the room and hit the TV. Now I'm the only magician who can make a Samsung disappear!
I proudly shared that I finally fixed my leaky faucet at home. Their reaction? 'Oh, big deal.' Yeah, big deal until they saw my 'fix' involved duct tape and a prayer. My house is now the only one on the block with a plumbing system held together by sheer optimism.
I proudly declared I was going to the gym every day, and my friends were like, 'Oh, big deal.' Yeah, big deal until they found out I spend more time taking gym selfies than actually lifting weights. My workout routine is more of a 'flex for the gram' than a bench press.
Relationships are funny, aren't they? At the beginning, remembering anniversaries is a big deal. Fast forward a few years, and it's more like, "Honey, did you know today is our anniversary?" "Oh, is it? Well, happy anniversary, I guess. Pass me the remote.
I went to the gym the other day, and people were acting like lifting weights is a big deal. I lifted a 10-pound dumbbell, and suddenly I'm getting high-fives like I just bench-pressed a car. Dude, it's not a Herculean feat; it's just a slightly heavy object.
You ever notice how people make such a big deal about finding their car keys? It's like, one minute they're calmly sipping their coffee, and the next, they're tearing the house apart like they just lost the Ark of the Covenant. I mean, it's not a treasure hunt; it's just trying to get to work!
I recently upgraded my phone, and the salesperson acted like it was a big deal. "This model has three cameras!" Oh great, now I can take blurry pictures from three different angles. What a time to be alive!
Let's talk about birthdays for a moment. Everyone acts like it's a big deal, but as you get older, it's less "Happy Birthday" and more "Congratulations on surviving another year without accidentally killing yourself." It's not a celebration; it's a victory lap!
You know what's a big deal? The grocery store checkout line. It's the only place where your decision to buy or not buy gum suddenly becomes a life-altering choice. And don't even get me started on those strategically placed magazines—congratulations, you now know 101 ways to organize your sock drawer.
Social media is hilarious. People act like getting a like on their post is a big deal. It's like digital validation. "Look, Karen liked my cat picture. This must be what it feels like to win an Oscar." Meanwhile, Karen is just scrolling through her feed with the enthusiasm of a sloth on sedatives.
Have you ever noticed how we make such a big deal about the weather? It's like a national pastime. "Did you hear? It's going to rain tomorrow!" Oh no, really? I guess I'll have to do the unthinkable and carry an umbrella. Call the press.
You know what's genuinely a big deal? Opening a bag of chips quietly. It's like a mission impossible scenario. You think you've mastered the art, but the next thing you know, the whole room knows you're trying to sneakily snack on some potato goodness. It's the crunch heard 'round the world.
Vacations are overrated. People act like going to the beach is a big deal. You spend hours planning, pack your bags, drive for miles, and then what? You sit in the sand, getting sunburned and trying to convince yourself that seaweed is a gourmet snack. Next time, I'll just stay home and watch a nature documentary.

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