18 Jokes For Imma


Updated on: Jun 24 2024

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Why did the chicken join a band? 'Imma' drummer!
Why did the bicycle fall over? It was two-tired. 'Imma' need a new joke book!
What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? 'Imma' mop!
Why did the computer go to therapy? It had too many 'imma' issues!
Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because 'imma'zing in the field!
Why did the banana go to the doctor? 'Imma' not peeling well!
Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many 'imma' problems!
Why did the tomato turn red? Because 'imma' squeezing it too tight!

Imma Gym Regular

Then there are those who declare, Imma be a gym regular. They're super enthusiastic for a week, posting gym selfies and making you feel bad for even considering that second slice of pizza. But then the ghost of laziness creeps in, and suddenly, their gym membership card is gathering dust, buried in a pile of good intentions.

Imma Great Cook

We all have that friend who boasts, Imma great cook, and then proceeds to create a culinary disaster that even Gordon Ramsay would struggle to critique politely. They're in the kitchen, waving spices like a wizard casting spells, but the end result looks more like a potion brewed by Snape gone wrong.

Imma Healthy Eater

You ever come across those Imma healthy eater folks? They're like, Imma start this new diet, it's all greens and clean eating. But two days in, you catch them sneaking around the corner, guiltily munching on a chocolate bar like they're in a covert ops mission. Yep, that's the ghost of Oreos past haunting their salad dreams.

Imma Pet Whisperer

You know those people who claim, Imma pet whisperer? They're convinced they have a special connection with animals. They'll stand there, confidently saying, Watch this, I speak their language, and then get chased around by an angry squirrel or end up with a cat giving them a death stare that screams, You're not Dr. Doolittle!

Imma Morning Person

Ever meet those Imma morning person types? They're all chirpy at the crack of dawn, making you question your life choices as you struggle to form coherent sentences before your third cup of coffee. It's like they're powered by some mystical energy that mere mortals can only access after hitting the snooze button for the tenth time.

Imma Smooth Talker

You know those folks who claim, Imma smooth talker? They're the ones who think they have the gift of persuasion. But let me tell you, trying to sweet-talk their way out of a parking ticket turns into a full-blown Shakespearean drama. It's like watching a masterclass in persuasive gibberish, leaving the officer more confused than convinced.

Imma Start Believing in Ghosts

You ever notice how people nowadays claim they're not superstitious, but the minute they hear a weird noise in their house, they're like, Imma start believing in ghosts! Like, really? You didn't believe in ghosts until you heard a creaky floorboard? What's next? Bigfoot sightings in the backyard leading to a new shoe line called Sasquatch Sneakers?

Imma Tech Guru

Ever come across someone who's like, Imma tech guru? They'll confidently offer to fix your computer but end up making it resemble a Picasso painting more than a functioning device. Suddenly, Ctrl+Alt+Delete becomes their mantra, and you're left wondering if you should've trusted your grandma's advice on fixing tech issues instead.

Imma Just Eat One Chip

You know those moments when you open a bag of chips and say, Imma just eat one chip? Yeah, one chip, they said. And suddenly, you're knee-deep in an empty bag, crumbs on your face, and a wild-eyed look that says, Imma regret this later. It's like the bag is haunted by some snack-time ghost, whispering, Just one more, just one more... until you've devoured the whole thing and are left contemplating your life choices.

Imma DIY Expert

We all have that friend who watches a five-minute DIY video and suddenly becomes an expert. They're like, Imma build a table. And you're just waiting for the day when you visit their place and sit on a chair that collapses like a failed magic trick. Sorry, but watching a YouTube video doesn't make you a carpenter any more than watching Grey's Anatomy makes you a brain surgeon.

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