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The Rebellious Teenager
Trying to Stay Cool Amidst Academic Obligations
They say knowledge is power, but by the end of the school year, my brain is on vacation while my body is still in detention.
The Nostalgic Graduate
Balancing Excitement and the Fear of the Unknown
The end of high school is like finishing a 12-year-long tutorial for a game you're not sure you want to play. Can I get a refund on my childhood?
The Exhausted Teacher
Surviving the End of the School Year Exhaustion
The only thing I'm grading at this point is my ability to keep my eyes open during parent-teacher conferences.
The Clueless Parent
Navigating the Maze of End-of-Year Events
Parent-teacher conferences are my annual reminder that I have no idea what my kid has been learning. I just nod and smile like I'm at a foreign language film without subtitles.
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