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Croc Detective
Solving crimes in the swamp
It's hard being a detective in the swamp. Every time I find a clue, it's covered in mud. I told my partner, "This case is a real mess." He said, "Well, it's a swamp. What did you expect?
Croc Whisperer
Trying to understand what crocs are saying
I'm convinced crocodiles have a secret language. I overheard two of them talking, and one said, "I told him it was a 'crocodile tears' party, not a 'snap your jaws' party. Humans just never get the invites right!
Croc Stand-Up Comedian
Making jokes that don't offend other crocs
I tested my crocodile audience with a joke about a chicken crossing the road. One croc yelled, "Why would a chicken do that?" I said, "I don't know; it's a poultry in motion!" They didn't get it. Tough crowd.
Croc Life Coach
Motivating lazy crocs to get out of the water
I attempted a motivational speech for crocs: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!" They all yawned and said, "Every day is the same for us. We're not trying to impress anyone.
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