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Coyote and Online Shopping
Coyote is attempting to order roadrunner-catching supplies online.
Ordered a super-sticky glue trap for roadrunners. Delivery guy hands over a tiny tube. Coyote's confused, "Is this for catching roadrunners or ants? Maybe I can trap a snack for later.
Coyote's Social Media Woes
Coyote is struggling with his online presence.
Coyote's latest tweet: "Just caught a glimpse of the roadrunner! He's so fast, it's like he's on turbo mode." Replies flooded in, "Turbo mode? More like ACME delivery mode!
Coyote's Cooking Adventure
Coyote is attempting to cook a roadrunner.
Coyote decides to barbecue roadrunner. Gets the grill ready, roadrunner runs by, and he misses. Coyote's like, "Well, I guess it's salad tonight. Roadrunner salad, anyone?
Coyote's Job Interview
Coyote is applying for a job as a wildlife photographer.
Coyote shows his wildlife portfolio. Interviewer points at a blurred photo, "What's this?" Coyote proudly says, "That's the roadrunner at full speed." Interviewer: "Looks more like a painting of a tornado.
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