16 Jokes For Awhile


Updated on: Jul 01 2024

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Why don't oysters donate to charity? Because they are shellfish for awhile!
I tried to tell a time travel joke, but you didn't like it. I guess you didn't get it for awhile.
I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough. So, I kneaded a new job for awhile!
I told my computer I needed a break, but it couldn't handle the time off. It needed to reboot for awhile!
Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts for awhile!
Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything for awhile!

Awhile at the DMV

I went to the DMV the other day. The lady at the counter told me, Just wait here for your number to be called. I said, How long will that take? She winked and said, Oh, just awhile. I swear, I aged three years waiting for my turn. I'm pretty sure they measured my wait time in dog years.

The Awhile Marathon

Life feels like an awhile marathon sometimes. I started this marathon thinking it would be a sprint, and now I'm just hoping I make it to the finish line without needing a hip replacement. They say life is short, but I've been living this awhile for what feels like an eternity.

Awkward Awhile

Dating is like waiting for your crush to text you back—it's this awkward awhile where you're not sure if you should start planning the wedding or if you'll be forever alone with your cat. And when they finally reply, it's like, Wow, thanks for responding... in geological time!

Awhile at the Grocery Store

Grocery shopping is a test of patience. I asked the cashier, How long have you been working here? She said, Oh, just awhile. I swear, I saw my groceries evolving into a higher life form while waiting to be scanned.

Wine Awhile

They say, Age like fine wine. I've been waiting to age like wine for years now. I'm more like boxed wine—I've been sitting awhile, and people only appreciate me on special occasions.

A While Lot of Trouble

You ever notice how awhile is just a polite way of saying, Give me a minute, but I won't tell you how many? I asked my friend, Hey, when are you going to pay me back? He goes, Oh, I'll get you the money in awhile. Well, buddy, I hope your definition of awhile isn't geological, like waiting for the continents to shift!

Awhile in Traffic

Traffic is crazy, right? I asked my GPS, How long until I get there? It replied, In awhile. So, here I am, stuck in traffic, contemplating the meaning of life. If anyone finds out the meaning, let me know—I've got awhile to kill.

Dieting Awhile

I've been on a diet for awhile now. My scale is the only one who truly understands the meaning of awhile. Every time I step on it, it's like, Hang on, processing... give me a moment to calculate the damage you did over the holidays.

Sleeping Awhile

I tried this new sleep app that promises to help you doze off in no time. It said, Just lay down and relax for awhile. Well, I must have relaxed too much because I woke up the next day and the app was like, Congratulations, you've completed a full sleep cycle!

Awhile in Technology

My computer told me it needed to update, and I thought, Sure, I've got awhile. An hour later, I'm still waiting, regretting my life choices, and wondering if this is what it feels like to age in the digital era.

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